Forsmark investigation

06 February 2007

[SKI, 29 Janu ary; Svenska Dagbladet, 2 February ]The Swedish Nuclear PowerInspectorate has triggered a prosecutor's investigation into whetherForsmarkmanagement acted quickly enough to cool the plant's first reactor aftera transientresulted in shutdown on 25 July 2006. Two of the unit's emergencydieselgenerators started promptly and kept the reactor in a safe conditionuntil the other two were manually started 22 minutes later. Thedecision to putthe plant in a 'cold' shutdown state was taken the following day. SKIhave describedthat day's delay as a "possible violation of law" with respect to theNuclear Activities Act, contending that a cold shutdown should havebeen orderedimmediately. Following SKI's 29 January recommendation, the officialprosecutor (åklagarmyndigheten i Uppsala) has decided to begin a preliminary investigation.

Further information

Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI)