Robot inspects primary system at US unit

Wednesday, 6 November 2013
SUSI robot 48An underwater robot developed by Areva that can be maneuvered through a reactor's primary system has been used at a US nuclear power plant for the first time.

An underwater robot developed by Areva that can be maneuvered through a reactor's primary system has been used at a US nuclear power plant for the first time.

SUSI robot 460 (Areva)
The SUSI robot (Image: Areva)

Areva's SUSI robot was used to complete a first-of-a-kind inspection of the primary system of an undisclosed US reactor for a lifetime extension.

The small, remote-controlled submarine is equipped with a camera, as well as technology to inspect internal components through ultrasonic and visual testing. The robot can also be used to remove foreign objects from within the primary system.

Designed by Areva Germany, the SUSI robot is already extensively used at European nuclear power plants. The technology has now been adapted to meet the requirements of US plant.

Areva claims the robot can be used in any type of nuclear reactor.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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