Belarus gets organized for nuclear plant

Thursday, 15 November 2007
Alexander Lukashenko, President ofBelarus, signed a decree on 12 November defining the organizationsresponsible for preparing the construction of the country's firstnuclear power plant. Decree 565, 'On Certain Measures Relating to theConstruction of a Nuclear Power Plant' also aims to ensure that nuclearand radiation safety is in line with the recommendations of theInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). According to the decree, aDirectorate for the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant will beestablished under the Ministry of Energy. This new directorate willoversee the preparation, design and exploration work necessary to builda plant. A Nuclear & Radiation Safety Department will also be setup as part of the Emergencies Ministry to act as the state nuclearregulator and licensing authority. Scientific support for thepreparation and construction of a nuclear power plant will be providedby the United Power & Nuclear Research Institute Sosny of theNational Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The state-runBelnipienergoprom enterprise has been designated as the generaldesigner of the plant and will be responsible for negotiating andsigning contracts with suppliers of engineering services, carrying outthe necessary feasibility studies and preparing tender documents.Belarus plans to start construction of a nuclear power plant in 2008 toensure energy security, according to Lukashenko. No site has yet beenselected for the plant, which will cost between $2.5 billion and $2.8billion to construct. The plant, expected to take four to eight yearsto build, would mainly be funded through external borrowing.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, signed a decree on 12 November defining the organizations responsible for preparing the construction of the country's first nuclear power plant. Decree 565, 'On Certain Measures Relating to the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant' also aims to ensure that nuclear and radiation safety is in line with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). According to the decree, a Directorate for the Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant will be established under the Ministry of Energy. This new directorate will oversee the preparation, design and exploration work necessary to build a plant. A Nuclear & Radiation Safety Department will also be set up as part of the Emergencies Ministry to act as the state nuclear regulator and licensing authority. Scientific support for the preparation and construction of a nuclear power plant will be provided by the United Power & Nuclear Research Institute Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The state-run Belnipienergoprom enterprise has been designated as the general designer of the plant and will be responsible for negotiating and signing contracts with suppliers of engineering services, carrying out the necessary feasibility studies and preparing tender documents. Belarus plans to start construction of a nuclear power plant in 2008 to ensure energy security, according to Lukashenko. No site has yet been selected for the plant, which will cost between $2.5 billion and $2.8 billion to construct. The plant, expected to take four to eight years to build, would mainly be funded through external borrowing.

Further information

WNA's Emerging Nuclear Countries information paper

WNN: Belarus to start building reactor in 2008
WNN: Belarus nuclear plant tender due soon
WNN: Lukashenko: Belarus must build nuclear
WNN: Belarus nuclear plant gets Russian credit
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