Fieldwork completed in milestone for UAMPS SMR
Detailed geotechnical surface and subsurface investigations to characterise geologic properties underlying the site, including potential volcanic and seismic hazards, began in August 2021 and were completed in January, UAMPS said. A network of groundwater monitoring wells was also established, along with a meteorological monitoring station.
Analysis of the data collected from the site, as well from as a two-year monitoring campaign, will be presented in the combined licence application (COLA) which is being prepared for submission to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Preparation of the application, which is being managed by Fluor Enterprises under contract with CFPP, with support and technical expertise from NuScale Power, is scheduled for completion in early 2024, and startup operation of the plant is planned for 2029.
UAMPS expects to build six 77 MWe NuScale Power Modules - renamed VOYGR by NuScale late last year - at the Idaho National Laboratory site. The pressurised water reactor, with all the components for steam generation and heat exchange incorporated into a single unit, is the first SMR to receive NRC design approval.
Formal engagement of a plant operator is being negotiated, UAMPS said. Other work under way includes developing cost estimates, developing topic reports for submission to the NRC, continuing work on the standard plant design, and developing a supply chain pricing analysis. NuScale and Fluor are working on power module manufacturing trials and steam generator fabrication.
UAMPS is a political subdivision of the State of Utah that provides wholesale electric-energy, transmission, and other energy services to community-owned power systems throughout the Intermountain West region of the USA. Its members are located California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and Wyoming as well as in Utah.